The investment bank has come up with an interesting rule of thumb on recessions. 关于经济衰退,这家投资银行提出了一个有趣的经验法则。
Expectations for the once-vaunted investment bank have fallen more than rivals. 这家一度备受推崇的投资银行获得的市场预期降幅超过了竞争对手。
China has rejected requests from North Korea and Taiwan to join the investment bank. 朝鲜和台湾申请加入该行,已被中国拒绝。
In 1991, I began trading for Morgan Stanley, the investment bank, in London. 1991年,我开始在伦敦为投资银行摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)做金融资产交易。
Intermediary fees are another source of income, with investment bank and wealth management as the main portion. 中介费是另一项收入来源,投行和财富管理是主要部分。
An investment bank undertaking such a deal issues batches of new securities backed by this portfolio. 承销这笔交易的一家投资银行,发行由这一投资组合担保的多批新证券。
This marks the first investment bank with branches in Hengyang Branch. 这标志着招商银行衡阳分行有了第一家分支机构。
Stability of earnings is something any financial services company with an investment bank is seeking. 任何拥有投资银行的金融服务公司都在寻求收益稳定性。
We manage investment bank fund and invest in high technologies information technology. 我们管理投资银行基金并投资全球高科技信息技术。
This point of view of foreign capital and investment bank's analysis of the line. 这对外国资本和投资银行的在线分析的观点。
I have spent three years applying to every investment bank in London, Moscow and New York. 我花了3年时间应聘在伦敦、莫斯科和纽约的各家投行。
Last year it merged its corporate and investment bank to try to increase efficiency. 去年该行将企业银行与投资银行部门合并,试图借此提高业务效率。
The investment bank again outlined the debt reduction strategies adopted by the satellites, including asset sales. 该投行再次概述了其卫星基金采取的债务削减策略,其中包括资产出售。
Once processed, the loan is usually sold to an investment bank. 而这样借款通常有另一个步骤&卖给投资银行。
Last month, 2 hedge funds operated by the investment bank Bear Stearns nearly collapsed under debt. 上月,两个BearStearns投资银行发行的对冲基金由于债务问题几乎崩溃。
This year it went further and gave guarantees to Bear Stearns, an investment bank with no retail depositors. 今年联储对BearStearns这个完全没有小额储户的投行进行了更加深入的帮助–对它进行担保。
More recently he has struck co-operation agreements with Macquarie, an Australian investment bank, and Bank of China. 最近,他与澳大利亚投资银行麦格里集团及中国银行达成了合作协议。
Appropriately, investment bank capital requirements are much lower. 与此相应,投行的资本要求要低得多。
An investment bank, if it's doing a pure investment banking business is not a depository institution. 如果投行只做投资业务的话,不能称作为一个储蓄机构。
These guarantors played the same role as an investment bank lead underwriting a securities issue. 这些担保人扮演的角色与投资银行在证券发行时担任的主承销商角色一样。
Credit Suisse has ring fenced its investment bank. 瑞信(creditsuisse)已把投行业务“圈护”起来。
The coverage of sell-side analysts aims at attracting investors to the covered stocks and firms to the investment bank. 卖方分析师提供的资讯是瞄准了要吸引投资人来买投资银行承销的股票或公司。
We are not an investment bank, we are just an asset manager and we have a private bank. 我们不是投行,只是一家资产管理公司,而且我们拥有一家私人银行。
Investment bank Liberum Capital reckons BHP gravely misread from the outset the complexity of the anti-trust issue. 投资银行LiberumCapital认为,必和必拓从一开始就严重误判了反垄断问题的复杂性。
Two ideas led me to join an emerging and frontier markets investment bank in 2010. 2010年,我在两个想法的鼓动下加盟了一家新兴与前沿市场投行。
You could not be both a depository institution and an investment bank. 银行不能既是一个储蓄机构又是,一个投行。
The impact on investment bank revenues is unclear. 投行收入所受的影响尚不明确。
And investment bank structures the security to sell to investors. 投资银行是向投资者出售证券的方式运行。